All growth requires nutrition. While many fertilisers are generally available, we decided to focus on the nursery industry in particular.
A great ‘real-ozzie’ product on this market is NatraKelp. Made from the most famous Tasmanian Bull Kelp, NatraKelp is one of the world’s richest sources of pure minerals and micro-nutrients. Special mixes are available with extra minerals and fertiliser added.
This product is manufactured in various types and sizes, ranging from pure seaweed to seaweed nutrient mixes, allowing you to choose the product that suits you best. Have a look at the NatraKelp website for more product information, including Material Safety Data Sheets.
Another product we stock is Rhizopon. Rhizopon is a rooting stimulator, which uses natural hormones to boost root growth. Various types of this product are available, suiting various plants. Plenty of information is available on the Rhizopon website including Material Safety Data Sheets, and if you have further enquiries, please contact us.
An item not particularly nutritious, but highly beneficial to have healty looking plants is Pokon Leafshine. The name speaks for itself, the product is sprayed on the leafs to make them shine brighter and longer. It’s a reknown product, very popular with florists and interior decorators. We distribute the 1L concentrate as well as the 250mL and 600mL spray cans.