We are proud to be directly associated to BATO as a supplier of plastics to support growing plants. Their products are highly sophisticated, yet easy to use utensils. All information on the products can be found on the BATO website, with the list of items below readily available in stock.
Clippers are used to connect the stem of the growing plant to the guiding wire. As can be seen in the picture, the clippers are ‘open’, which means that there is less chance the water can stay between the clipper and the stem, avoiding the growth of bacteria and diseases. Sizes in stock are 23mm and 25mm clippers, but all other sizes as per the BATO website can be imported.
Top hooks
BATO tophooks are mostly used by cucumber growers. The purpose is to hang the stem over the hook. The rounded shape of the hook will protect the stem from cutting in or kinking as would happen if the stem was put directly over the cross wire. This system allows the stem to stay healthy during their full life time.
Truss support
BATO truss support clips are used by tomato growers to guide the growing truss. The clip will support the truss under the growing weight of the tomatoes, preventing the vine from kinking. This way, the health of the truss is sustained.
BATO has plenty of other products within their range as well in the field of hydroponically grown fruits. Other products not included above, for example the bobbins and the grafting clips are part of our range as well, however is only imported on order. Please note that as BATO’s distributor for Australia we are happy to help you with any enquiries. Please have a look at the BATO websiteand call us if you are interested in any of the BATO products.